Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Heartworks of Bernardsville

Hi! Welcome to our Heartworks blog! I'm Megan McDowell and in 2004 I founded an Acts of Kindness group for women called "Heartworks" in my hometown of Bernardsville. Our mission is to continue on the acts of kindness that sustained so many families in the weeks, months and years following the events of Sept. 11, 2001. We meet the first Tuesday of every month and reach out to anyone we hear of that could use a kind act due to illness, accidents, natural disaster or unexpected trauma. My brother-in-law, John Farrell, was killed in the terrorist attacks and I have vowed to spend the rest of my life paying forward what has been done for our family since that day.
Our group has 30-40 women at each monthly meeting and over 150 women on our e-mail contact list. Our focus is on living our own lives as consciously as we can while reaching out to other people when we can do something to help them. Through practicing gratitude, receiving and giving we choose to focus on the fact that we are blessed to have homes, health and live in a safe town.
Heartworks is about the life lessons that come from service and consciousness and is a way for local women to feel more connected to each other on a deeper level than usual. There are currently six other Heartworks groups in existence and the goal is to make them as widespread as Oprah's Book Clubs.
Thanks for reading and please visit our website http://www.njheartworks.org/ for more information.

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